
Does Picking A Scab Make It Heal Faster


Does Removing Scabs From a Wound Speed Up Healing?

Awestruck person peeling a scab off of their elbow.

Franco Zacharzewski

This question originally appeared on Quora .

Answer by Steve Harris , physician and medical researcher:

Scab is a technical anti-shibboleth. The preferred medical term is crust or eschar, the latter being Greek for scab.

The border of an eschar can keep a wound from closing by secondary intention. And an eschar is a sign that a wound is too dry to heal every bit fast as possible. Having noted that, a crust is the best nature can do in many situations. Information technology is protective.

In the best of all possible worlds, it is possible to do better. Yeah, the commencement time that yous remove an eschar, you do traumatize the wound, so information technology is non proficient to go on doing it. But one time it's done, if you never allow another eschar form, you tin can advance healing.

How? The fibrocytes in a wound are trying to lay down collagen and heal the wound by drawing it together and forming the tissue that turns into skin and healed scar. Yous desire to encourage them to separate and abound. They tin can't do this if they dry out out. It happens well only if they are moist but non as well moist. They are like amoebas—you lot want (and they want) beingness of a gooey wound soup where they tin can crawl around and place themselves, merely not so moist that the fluid becomes a seroma that is hands turned into pus. Yous don't want large collections of fluid far away from capillaries, as that provides a place for leaner to grow, but likewise far from the white cells that impale them.

And so, you lot ideally need a thin layer of tissue moisture in a wound, only no more. And yous need oxygen, because some of these cells need it simply don't have enough if yous cover them. And yous want to kill anaerobic bacteria to brand certain you don't become gangrene.

Trying to get these conditions is the idea backside bio-occlusive dressings. Such a dressing is just a membrane that lets in oxygen and keeps a wound from drying out just also allows excess fluids to become out and be soaked upward by a next absorbent layer.

These things are expensive fifty-fifty now, and doctors of quondam did a reasonable chore just by slathering a wound with an antibacterial ointment like silvadene, putting downward a layer of petroleum-covered gauze then that the delicate fibroblasts are not ripped off when the dressing is changed, and and so calculation a layer of something absorbent (tin be an alginate sponge or uncomplicated dry gauze) then that excess fluids don't leak through into bedding but have a way to get abroad from the wound.

Finally, on superlative of all that goes whatever dressing that protects all the residual—an example is the self-sticking latex stuff from 3M chosen Coban, or silk surgical pasty tape, or even an ACE bandage (though that's expensive if you lot have to go on throwing information technology abroad at each dressing alter).

You modify all this every 48 to 72 hours, depending on amount of exudate and the stage of the wound. The thought is that once you remove eschar, you never let it form again, due to the wound damage involved in removing it. All of these are helpful in treating a large wound bed (like a large burn, scrape, or something else where skin is gone).

A concluding affair: I have seen the order "wet-to-dry dressings" too many times. Why too many? Because too many doctors take no idea what this is! Wet-to-dry was a bad quondam system where you put wet dressings on wounds, permit them dry to eschar, and ripped the whole thing off. Clearly that is not what y'all want. There are better ways. Wet-to-dry is non a substitute for intelligent "debridement," where a medico or wound-management nurse advisedly removes moistened eschar and then treats the remaining wound bed equally described in the steps above.

That was longer than intended. Call back of information technology every bit the A-B-C of large-wound intendance in i respond.

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